Gainesville Chamber Orchestra: 2006Download ImageTuning the instruments on the Chamber Orchestra stage
Gainesville Chamber Orchestra: 2006Download ImageRear of dining area facing the Chamber Orchestra on stage
Gainesville Chamber Orchestra: 2006Download ImageMain dining area and formal center pieces welcome guests to the Orchestra performance and Silent Auction.
Gainesville Chamber Orchestra: 2006Download ImageThe Gainesville Chamber Orchestra warms up on stage
Gainesville Chamber Orchestra: 2006Download ImageDining and seating area near the Chamber Orchestra stage
Gainesville Chamber Orchestra: 2006Download ImageServing stations and guest bar
Gainesville Chamber Orchestra: 2006Download ImageServing station
Gainesville Chamber Orchestra: 2006Download ImageThe silent auction tables
Gainesville Chamber Orchestra: 2006Download ImageEntrance view of the event lobby and dining area
Gainesville Chamber Orchestra: 2006Download ImageEvent seating/dining area